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ChaseRecords : [chase 056] - Swell Sounds - SK-8 Ep

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Catalog number
Playtime: 21:30 - 320kb/s - 40.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/05/21 15:59h



idmexperimentalambientindustrialmentalatmospheric hardcore Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

I’m glad to present the first EP of Swell Sounds, a US based Ambient artist and music student in Seattle. That EP contains 4 atmospheric ambient tunes made with the help of a Sk-8 sampler keyboard. Starting with “Sk-8” an obsessive ambient piece, plunging the listener right into Swell Sounds universe after a few second, then going on with “Eidolan”, the beast of this EP, while the atmosphere is it still keep the overall flavour of the EP, that track is loaded with a relentless flaw of hard beats in its background, giving the track a strong Industrial, and almost Hardcore, feeling. Then Swell Sounds takes us back to calm territories with “Luminance” and “I Feel” two deep and soulful ambient-ish pieces for a nice finish.

Mastered by Arnaud Ruffieux [Ruff-Tang Laboratories - Switzerland] : />

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